Breeding Cats

Michael and Lynda have been breeding pedigreed cats since 2009.

Currently breeding Russian Blues, Blacks & Whites. Also breeding Scottish Shorthairs & Longhairs and registered with the local council and QLD Feline Association.

What is a ‘pedigree cat’’?

A pedigree cat has a predictable look and personality. Variables in the environment and parents’ personalities come into play, but you can be guaranteed that your purebred Siamese will have blue eyes, your Ocicat will have a spotted coat, and your Bobtail will have a bobbed tail.

The words purebred and pedigree are often used interchangeably, but they have slightly different meanings. Experts in breeding programs explain that pedigree means there is a record for ancestry backed by an official registering body. Purebred means that a cat’s parents are of the same breed and is often used as a selling term.

While shelters often attribute breed names to feline residents to make them more appealing (longhaired cats are often called Maine Coons and grey cats Russian Blues, for instance), it’s the pedigree with three or four generations of cats registered within a specific association or governing body that proves your cat is true blue. That doesn’t necessarily make a pedigree cat better than a random-bred cat in personality or health but it does mean she has a family tree and a long history behind her. ALL these cats are bred for the indoors.

Our cats are very popular and we usually have a waiting list, however if you contact us to discuss time frames, we can certainly plan a bit more for a new baby for you.

Russian Blues, Blacks & Whites

Russians are beautiful, elegant and very affectionate and fun cats!

This is the breed standard according to ACF (The Australian Cat Federation Inc).

The Russian blue is a sweet-tempered, loyal cat who will follow her owner everywhere, so don’t be surprised if she greets you at the front door! While she has a tendency to attach to one pet parent in particular, she demonstrates affection with her whole family and demands it in return. It’s said that Russian blues train their owners rather than the owners training them, a legend that’s been proven true time and again.

They are very social creatures but also enjoy alone time and will actively seek a quiet, private nook in which to sleep. They don’t mind too much if you’re away at work all day, but they do require a lot of playtime when you are home.

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Scottish Shorthairs & Longhairs

Scottish Shorthaired and Longhaired cats are very, very affectionate! They come in a huge variety of colours and are fabulous for families with children, other pets and a bit of excitement. They are very social cats.

This is the breed standard according to ACF (The Australian Cat Federation Inc).

The Scottish Shorthair is the straight or ‘pert’ eared progeny of the Scottish Fold cat, a breed so named because its ears are folded over. Confused? How does this work? The folded ears were the result of a spontaneous genetic mutation in a single kitten born amongst a litter of pert-eared kittens. A deliberate breeding program ensued, and resulted in the Scottish Fold breed. However the nature of the mutation is such that cats with folded ears cannot be mated together without risk of other related deformities in the progeny. So, a fold cat is mated with a straight-eared cat, and because it is a recessive gene responsible for the mutation, about half of the litter will have folded ears and the remainder will have straight ears. Hence, the Scottish Shorthair. Apart from the ears, the cats are for all intents and purposes identical. We only breed the ‘’ears up’’ Scottish Shorthairs and longhairs.

In 2002 the Scottish Shorthair became a fully recognised breed in Australia.

You are more than welcome to come for a visit to meet our delightful cats and to see if these 2 breeds are a match for you. Our cats love visitors and extra pats and cuddles!

Please have a look at our AWARDS PAGE for a list of our awards we have won for our pedigreed and Companion cats since 2009.

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